These complimentary mini-classes are the perfect way to get some movement in on your off days or when you only have a little bit of time and want to do something to get yourself moving or practice a short meditation.
If you are looking to join me for full length Online Chair Wellness Classes, you can try a free full length class here and you can sign up for all of my online class packages here.
When you are ready to take full classes, please join me for online classes here.
Waiver of Liability: In partaking or practicing in any of the above mini classes, you agree that you have taken all necessary steps to ascertain that you are in good health and able to perform all yoga or pilates exercises which you are to learn and perform during any of your online mini classes with Wellness with Brigitte. You agree that you understand that yoga and pilates are physical practices and you are responsible for your own well-being during classes. You agree that, as you are responsible for your own health, you will not hold Brigitte Yancy, Wellness with Brigitte or Brigitte Yancy International, LLC., responsible for any injuries you may suffer, caused whole or in part by your failure to heed instruction. You also agree that you understand and acknowledge that you are to receive instruction in Yoga and Pilates theory and exercises only, and you will not hold Brigitte Yancy, Wellness with Brigitte or Brigitte Yancy International, LLC., to any higher standard of care than that applicable to Yoga and Pilates theory and exercises. READ OUR FULL TERMS OF SERVICE